/r/aww posted by /u/Thund3rbolt

Wait... I wanna be with you, meowsenger!

over 4 years ago

Upvote: 107115 Buy score: 12

Top keywords:

  • "i want one" : 12
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/Raging_Hope

to get a Chad to move from a bench

over 1 year ago

Upvote: 107079 Buy score: 1199

Top keywords:

  • "i would pay" : 1178
  • "i need it" : 11
  • "i'd buy" : 4

/r/funny posted by /u/But_a_Jape

Fitness goals

over 3 years ago

Upvote: 107069 Buy score: 51

Top keywords:

  • "i'll buy" : 50
  • "i want this" : 1
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/interestingasfuck posted by /u/UnironicThatcherite

In 1945, a group of Soviet school children presented a US Ambassador with a carved US Seal as a g...

over 3 years ago

Upvote: 107051 Buy score: 4

Top keywords:

  • "take my money" : 2
  • "where can i get one" : 1
  • "where can i get" : 1

/r/TIHI posted by /u/ivanwafles67

Thanks I hate Philadelphia

over 3 years ago

Upvote: 107036 Buy score: 26

Top keywords:

  • "take my money" : 26
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/gaming posted by /u/Chris_Isur_Dude

Receiving an N64 for his 32nd birthday. Pure excitement.

over 5 years ago

Upvote: 107035 Buy score: 25

Top keywords:

  • "i want this" : 16
  • "i'll buy" : 7
  • "where can i get" : 1

/r/funny posted by /u/kx11

Well, it certainly is chilly today !!

over 3 years ago

Upvote: 107032 Buy score: 10

Top keywords:

  • "i would pay" : 5
  • "where can i get" : 3
  • "i would buy" : 1

/r/Showerthoughts posted by /u/nyquiljordan

Smoking kills you, but the actual “act” of smoking is a very healthy practice - leave a stressful...

about 5 years ago

Upvote: 107011 Buy score: 8

Top keywords:

  • "i'd buy" : 4
  • "i want this" : 4
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/nextfuckinglevel posted by /u/xxStefanxx1

Showing how ridiculously strong chimps are.

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 106995 Buy score: 4

Top keywords:

  • "i want it" : 2
  • "i want one" : 2
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/gaming posted by /u/ZeraX7

Bulbasaur as he appears in the upcoming live action Pokemon movie.

over 5 years ago

Upvote: 106983 Buy score: 14

Top keywords:

  • "i want one" : 9
  • "i want it" : 4
  • "i need it" : 1

/r/aww posted by /u/cittacitta

This adorable proposal.

over 6 years ago

Upvote: 106943 Buy score: 5

Top keywords:

  • "i want it" : 3
  • "i'd buy" : 2
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/gaming posted by /u/sicksilentamerica

Fought a guy for his hat. Worth it!

over 5 years ago

Upvote: 106934 Buy score: 76

Top keywords:

  • "take my money" : 71
  • "how much?" : 3
  • "i'll buy" : 1

/r/nextfuckinglevel posted by /u/KolibriFX1

Well that’s a forge hammer.

about 3 years ago

Upvote: 106906 Buy score: 7

Top keywords:

  • "i want this" : 3
  • "i need it" : 2
  • "i want it" : 2

/r/interestingasfuck posted by /u/GallowBoob

These 70s ‘conversation pits’ need to be brought back

over 4 years ago

Upvote: 106887 Buy score: 26

Top keywords:

  • "i want one" : 13
  • "i'll buy" : 7
  • "on a shirt" : 3

/r/todayilearned posted by /u/TapiocaTuesday

TIL Max Planck was told by his professor to not go into Physics because "almost everything is alr...

over 5 years ago

Upvote: 106864 Buy score: 4

Top keywords:

  • "where can i get" : 4
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/aww posted by /u/rizzo1717

MFer opening doors like he payin the mortgage

about 3 years ago

Upvote: 106844 Buy score: 10

Top keywords:

  • "i would pay" : 10
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/aww posted by /u/DangerWallet

I was away at a conference for two days, I think I may have been missed

almost 6 years ago

Upvote: 106827 Buy score: 5

Top keywords:

  • "i'll buy" : 4
  • "i want it" : 1
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/aww posted by /u/Quentin_the_Quaint

Put on my dad uniform today and began the journey of fatherhood! I had to use my dads actual shoe...

over 4 years ago

Upvote: 106825 Buy score: 4

Top keywords:

  • "i would pay" : 3
  • "i would buy" : 1
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/wholesomememes posted by /u/parasympatheticguy

Nothing like mom’s unconditional love

about 5 years ago

Upvote: 106822 Buy score: 7

Top keywords:

  • "i want this" : 7
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/MadeMeSmile posted by /u/TrashcanMan79

I’ll take a print of each please

about 4 years ago

Upvote: 106810 Buy score: 5

Top keywords:

  • "i want this" : 3
  • "where can i get" : 2
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/pics posted by /u/Dick_Pain

One of the flights out of Kabul.

about 3 years ago

Upvote: 106806 Buy score: 14

Top keywords:

  • "i would pay" : 12
  • "i will pay" : 1
  • "i'm going to pay" : 1

/r/gaming posted by /u/19BlackHeart99

You can't make fun of it anymore

almost 4 years ago

Upvote: 106767 Buy score: 58

Top keywords:

  • "i want one" : 14
  • "i'd buy" : 7
  • "i would buy" : 6

/r/nextfuckinglevel posted by /u/ananthasaayi

60 year old firefighter deadlifts 600 lbs of flaming steel to celebrate his retirement 🔥

about 3 years ago

Upvote: 106748 Buy score: 70

Top keywords:

  • "i will pay" : 70
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/interestingasfuck posted by /u/Wionakiza

That’s the most involved flip book imagery I’ve ever seen.

almost 4 years ago

Upvote: 106743 Buy score: 2156

Top keywords:

  • "i want one" : 2150
  • "i will buy" : 4
  • "do you sell" : 2

/r/aww posted by /u/Vechrotex

A baby fox showed up to say hi at my grandmother's house

over 5 years ago

Upvote: 106724 Buy score: 18

Top keywords:

  • "i want one" : 16
  • "i want it" : 2
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/videos posted by /u/gamehelp16

YouTube channel that uploads piano tutorials has been demonetized for "repetitious content"

over 5 years ago

Upvote: 106722 Buy score: 8

Top keywords:

  • "where can i get" : 3
  • "i would pay" : 2
  • "price?" : 2

/r/gaming posted by /u/PressTurn

Remember, none of them are really our friends

about 3 years ago

Upvote: 106717 Buy score: 10

Top keywords:

  • "i would buy" : 2
  • "i'd buy" : 2
  • "i would pay" : 2

/r/pics posted by /u/SnowPonies

Police demolished a house in my neighborhood to get to a suspect. He didn't live there

almost 3 years ago

Upvote: 106714 Buy score: 5

Top keywords:

  • "price?" : 5
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/Showerthoughts posted by /u/kidkolumbo

Tinder is the opposite of porn site advertisements. There actually are a ton of hot singles in my...

over 7 years ago

Upvote: 106701 Buy score: 9

Top keywords:

  • "u willing to sell" : 8
  • "i want it" : 1
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/gaming posted by /u/dickfromaccounting

At least EA Customer Service knows the score

almost 7 years ago

Upvote: 106684 Buy score: 7

Top keywords:

  • "i'll buy" : 5
  • "i will buy" : 2
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/nextfuckinglevel posted by /u/SpecterAscendant

This brave boy being a beacon of positivity

about 4 years ago

Upvote: 106658 Buy score: 4

Top keywords:

  • "i want this" : 2
  • "where can i get one" : 1
  • "where can i get" : 1

/r/aww posted by /u/Evilpickle7

Dog ambulance!

almost 4 years ago

Upvote: 106655 Buy score: 106

Top keywords:

  • "take my money" : 105
  • "i want this" : 1
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/aww posted by /u/lemongrasspm

Baby Seal's First Time in a Deep Pool

over 3 years ago

Upvote: 106638 Buy score: 51

Top keywords:

  • "where can i get one" : 24
  • "where can i get" : 24
  • "i want one" : 2

/r/interestingasfuck posted by /u/medardoo1

Yves Adams, a Belgian photographer managed to photograph a picture of a rare yellow penguin.

over 3 years ago

Upvote: 106628 Buy score: 16

Top keywords:

  • "i'd buy" : 15
  • "i want one" : 1
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/MadeMeSmile posted by /u/jayy8143

It takes both

over 3 years ago

Upvote: 106614 Buy score: 54

Top keywords:

  • "i'll buy" : 51
  • "i want it" : 3
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/todayilearned posted by /u/triplealpha

TIL - In 1836, a sewer worker accidentally discovered an old drain which ran directly into the Ba...

over 5 years ago

Upvote: 106598 Buy score: 20

Top keywords:

  • "i need it" : 16
  • "i'd buy" : 3
  • "i want it" : 1

/r/pics posted by /u/DrFetusRN

Taliban fighters patrolling in an American taxpayer paid Humvee

about 3 years ago

Upvote: 106596 Buy score: 52

Top keywords:

  • "i'd buy" : 41
  • "price?" : 4
  • "i need it" : 3

/r/mildlyinteresting posted by /u/TheRedGeradir

My grandparents have a glassed-over well in their kitchen

about 5 years ago

Upvote: 106584 Buy score: 14

Top keywords:

  • "i want one" : 4
  • "i'd definitely buy" : 3
  • "i'll buy" : 2

/r/all posted by /u/QAnnihilateQ64

This guy made the call of duty map "nuke town" as his own paintball field

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 106547 Buy score: 5

Top keywords:

  • "i would pay" : 2
  • "take my money" : 2
  • "i want one" : 1

/r/todayilearned posted by /u/

TIL that after Beethoven went deaf, he found he could affix a metal rod to his piano and bite dow...

over 6 years ago

Upvote: 106491 Buy score: 353

Top keywords:

  • "i would buy" : 264
  • "where can i purchase" : 39
  • "where can i get this" : 24

/r/gifs posted by /u/whathowyy

As promised the epoxy hot dog after 3 months see you in 6 months

over 3 years ago

Upvote: 106399 Buy score: 6

Top keywords:

  • "i would buy" : 1
  • "i would pay" : 1
  • "i want it" : 1

/r/all posted by /u/_Atoms_Apple

Found a camera in my Air B&B. It was halfway behind the painting with only the lens peeking out. ...

about 2 years ago

Upvote: 106396 Buy score: 6

Top keywords:

  • "how much?" : 2
  • "i would buy" : 1
  • "take my money" : 1

/r/gaming posted by /u/timgarbos

A golf game for people who hate golf! - Worked on it for two years

over 5 years ago

Upvote: 106391 Buy score: 236

Top keywords:

  • "i will buy" : 109
  • "i want it" : 38
  • "i want this" : 21

/r/aww posted by /u/Mechanic619

Mosque security on patrol

about 4 years ago

Upvote: 106353 Buy score: 4

Top keywords:

  • "i want it" : 4
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/pics posted by /u/Brianyeetamole

This is what you can find in a local gun store from Texas

about 3 years ago

Upvote: 106338 Buy score: 9

Top keywords:

  • "i would buy" : 4
  • "i'll buy" : 3
  • "where i could buy" : 2

/r/pics posted by /u/b0rsht

Russian democracy in one picture

over 3 years ago

Upvote: 106314 Buy score: 6

Top keywords:

  • "i want this" : 6
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/nextfuckinglevel posted by /u/miguelabduarte

AH-64 Apache's helmet gun tracking system

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 106312 Buy score: 4

Top keywords:

  • "i want one" : 3
  • "where do i get one" : 1
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/MastodonOk8087

Mexican Journalist Killed Hours After Publishing Story About Local Officials' Involvement in Disa...

about 2 years ago

Upvote: 106277 Buy score: 13

Top keywords:

  • "where i can buy it" : 6
  • "i can buy it" : 6
  • "i'd like to buy" : 1

/r/nextfuckinglevel posted by /u/Ramboryback

Definition of Trust the Process

over 3 years ago

Upvote: 106272 Buy score: 22

Top keywords:

  • "i want it" : 22
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/todayilearned posted by /u/xoforoct

TIL that the Mythbusters once tested a combination of common materials that made an extremely pow...

over 6 years ago

Upvote: 106246 Buy score: 76

Top keywords:

  • "i would buy" : 37
  • "take my money" : 35
  • "i'd buy" : 3

/r/Damnthatsinteresting posted by /u/deathakissaway

Pipe lining is the process of lining old dirty pipes with a liner that is soaked in a combination...

about 3 years ago

Upvote: 106172 Buy score: 4

Top keywords:

  • "i want this" : 3
  • "i need it" : 1
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/memes posted by /u/Fthooper14

Subscribe now so I can achieve my childhood lego dreams

over 3 years ago

Upvote: 106171 Buy score: 16

Top keywords:

  • "i would pay" : 15
  • "i will buy" : 1
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/nextfuckinglevel posted by /u/sarveshak99

Hand sanitizer Web Shooter

about 4 years ago

Upvote: 106122 Buy score: 43

Top keywords:

  • "take my money" : 16
  • "i want one" : 7
  • "i'd buy" : 4

/r/aww posted by /u/notaheadache

My girlfriend’s new bunny, Korra

about 4 years ago

Upvote: 106118 Buy score: 7

Top keywords:

  • "i want one" : 5
  • "i would pay" : 1
  • "where do i get one" : 1

/r/interestingasfuck posted by /u/zezoro

After keeping a golden eagle for about 10 years , using it to hunt and catch prey, the Kazakhs of...

over 3 years ago

Upvote: 106118 Buy score: 11

Top keywords:

  • "where can i get" : 11
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/nextfuckinglevel posted by /u/Awesome123310

The abs on this man

over 3 years ago

Upvote: 106112 Buy score: 4

Top keywords:

  • "where can i get" : 2
  • "where can i get this" : 1
  • "i want it" : 1

/r/Showerthoughts posted by /u/CapnFancyPants

Superman’s most unappreciated power is his extraordinary fine motor skill. He has almost unlimite...

about 4 years ago

Upvote: 106107 Buy score: 69

Top keywords:

  • "i would pay" : 69
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/Rawrsomesausage

Trump under investigation for potential violations of Espionage Act, warrant reveals

about 2 years ago

Upvote: 106098 Buy score: 114

Top keywords:

  • "i want this" : 36
  • "i want it" : 32
  • "i'll buy" : 22

/r/funny posted by /u/nathanwpyle

Strange Planet Series 2

over 5 years ago

Upvote: 106079 Buy score: 52

Top keywords:

  • "take my money" : 31
  • "i'd buy" : 8
  • "i will buy" : 6

/r/all posted by /u/Baddster

Car alarm turned into majestic art.

about 2 years ago

Upvote: 106071 Buy score: 175

Top keywords:

  • "where can i get" : 86
  • "where can i get one" : 83
  • "i would pay" : 2