/r/all posted by /u/Vercitti

Musk, Tesla, SpaceX Are Sued for Alleged Dogecoin Pyramid Scheme

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 51749 Buy score: 81

Top keywords:

  • "i want this" : 38
  • "on a shirt" : 36
  • "i will buy" : 3

/r/all posted by /u/ohheysarahjay

Sold out my first cupcake market

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 44526 Buy score: 7

Top keywords:

  • "i would buy" : 2
  • "i'd buy" : 2
  • "i want one" : 1

/r/all posted by /u/Berkabitz

life 😩

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 41769 Buy score: 36

Top keywords:

  • "i want it" : 36
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/Idiotic_Polo

The warning on nuclear waste disposal sites designed to be read hundreds of thousands of years in...

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 54293 Buy score: 5

Top keywords:

  • "i want this" : 4
  • "i want it" : 1
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/ohnoh18

Yup, this will not end well

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 43896 Buy score: 6

Top keywords:

  • "i'll buy" : 2
  • "i want this" : 2
  • "i need it" : 1

/r/all posted by /u/Jaych1990

MaD sCiEnTiSt TuRnS cHiLdReN iNtO dInOsAuRs

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 41675 Buy score: 10

Top keywords:

  • "where can i get one" : 3
  • "where can i get" : 3
  • "where do i get one" : 1

/r/all posted by /u/remyleboi00

Non-Americans, what is the best “American” food?

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 42098 Buy score: 117

Top keywords:

  • "i want one" : 27
  • "i'll buy" : 19
  • "i'd buy" : 17

/r/all posted by /u/UndeniableDenial

I hope food poisoning understands how I work

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 49802 Buy score: 5

Top keywords:

  • "i'd buy" : 3
  • "i would buy" : 1
  • "i'll buy" : 1

/r/all posted by /u/evissimus

Louisiana, are you OK?

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 30378 Buy score: 35

Top keywords:

  • "i want this" : 35
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/Aztery


over 2 years ago

Upvote: 29327 Buy score: 268

Top keywords:

  • "where can i get" : 267
  • "i want one" : 1
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/marcothephoenixass

Sebastian Vettel arriving at the paddock today [Credit to @Kymillman]

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 32801 Buy score: 9

Top keywords:

  • "put on a shirt" : 4
  • "on a shirt" : 4
  • "i want one" : 1

/r/all posted by /u/mevlix

Buzzwords at it's best...

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 27010 Buy score: 8

Top keywords:

  • "i will buy" : 8
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/slavcringe

Faceplanted onto asphalt yesterday. Literally my nightmare

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 26000 Buy score: 17

Top keywords:

  • "i would pay" : 15
  • "i need it" : 1
  • "how much?" : 1

/r/all posted by /u/NotIdiotInCar

Mistaking floor sealant for milk

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 25027 Buy score: 7

Top keywords:

  • "price?" : 5
  • "i would buy" : 2
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/SgtDoofus

You can do it Jr. Devs!

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 25022 Buy score: 5

Top keywords:

  • "i would pay" : 5
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/chrisdh79

Tesla has increased prices for all models in the US, with some rising by up to $6,000

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 23387 Buy score: 139

Top keywords:

  • "price?" : 46
  • "i'll buy" : 30
  • "i will buy" : 20

/r/all posted by /u/avhir0ck

She had one job to do and that was to take a video of her sister’s engagement

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 23621 Buy score: 11

Top keywords:

  • "i would pay" : 11
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/TwasAnChild

Ring Made Of Resin Epoxy Mixed With Strontium Aluminate Powder

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 24121 Buy score: 56

Top keywords:

  • "i want this" : 14
  • "where can i get" : 11
  • "where can i get one" : 10

/r/all posted by /u/cortik

Blessed Love

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 21452 Buy score: 8

Top keywords:

  • "i want it" : 7
  • "i will pay" : 1
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/devoteenemo


over 2 years ago

Upvote: 20192 Buy score: 6

Top keywords:

  • "i want one" : 6
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/godwears10

Marvel's first Asian Super hero (and simu). [Credits - Chole Bennett ig]

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 20059 Buy score: 25

Top keywords:

  • "i'll buy" : 25
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/hottodoggu2

Who would be silly enough to keep buying?

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 18193 Buy score: 51

Top keywords:

  • "i'll buy" : 46
  • "i will buy" : 4
  • "take my money" : 1

/r/all posted by /u/nicky_papagiorgio

Jake Paul Is 'Broke' After Putting All Of His Money In Cryptocurrency

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 18569 Buy score: 32

Top keywords:

  • "i would pay" : 30
  • "i want this" : 2
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/ClericDude

“Well you don’t see any tigers around, so it’s gotta be real, right?”

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 18233 Buy score: 44

Top keywords:

  • "i'd like to buy" : 44
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/iululate

Everything tastes better when I'm with you♡

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 16569 Buy score: 13

Top keywords:

  • "i need it" : 13
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/Omeggos

Now normally I’d chastise Kotaku for being a terrible click-baiting low-tier journalist site, but...

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 15745 Buy score: 212

Top keywords:

  • "i want it" : 212
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/JoeFalchetto

[OC] Obesity in Europe

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 14929 Buy score: 6

Top keywords:

  • "price?" : 6
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/b4epoche

[OC] Politics Thursday: Lauren Boebert reimbursed herself in 2020 for roughly 39,000 miles travel...

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 17043 Buy score: 7

Top keywords:

  • "how much?" : 7
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/L0st_in_the_Stars

Conan O'Brien engages in fisticuffs in front of the Harvard Lampoon castle, 1984.

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 23828 Buy score: 8

Top keywords:

  • "i need it" : 8
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/joserick92

The Floppotron 3.0 - Computer Hardware Orchestra

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 25046 Buy score: 8

Top keywords:

  • "i want this" : 6
  • "i want it" : 1
  • "price?" : 1

/r/all posted by /u/idealdreams

LPT: a wet oven mitt is no longer an oven mitt.

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 21034 Buy score: 306

Top keywords:

  • "on a shirt" : 306
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/Defiant_Race_7544

Study: Regular Cannabis Consumers Perform Better Than Occasional Users on Distracted Driving Tasks

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 18028 Buy score: 9

Top keywords:

  • "i want it" : 9
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/LogicNYC

Eraser slowly goes bald

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 16403 Buy score: 60

Top keywords:

  • "take my money" : 53
  • "i'd buy" : 6
  • "i want this" : 1

/r/all posted by /u/RayTracingOn

This is surreal

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 16188 Buy score: 6

Top keywords:

  • "do you sell" : 6
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/MarsNirgal

After 32 photo-verification attempts and one mail support reach, TERF is still unable to access a...

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 16024 Buy score: 9

Top keywords:

  • "where can i get" : 6
  • "take my money" : 2
  • "i want it" : 1

/r/all posted by /u/benfelix1

SpaceX workers call Elon Musk an ‘embarrassment’ in letter

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 26100 Buy score: 5

Top keywords:

  • "i want it" : 5
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/ThinkOutsideTheTV

My dad just got this email after spending months installing these heaters throughout our cabin in...

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 15350 Buy score: 107

Top keywords:

  • "i want it" : 105
  • "i'll buy" : 1
  • "i want one" : 1

/r/all posted by /u/ShartCannon9000

Maybe maybe maybe

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 13114 Buy score: 13

Top keywords:

  • "where do i buy this" : 5
  • "where can i get one" : 4
  • "where can i get" : 4

/r/all posted by /u/Kirosh2

One Piece: Chapter 1053

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 12348 Buy score: 5

Top keywords:

  • "i'll buy" : 5
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/giuliomagnifico

Crypto Crashed So Hard It May No Longer Be Profitable To Mine Ethereum

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 13238 Buy score: 4

Top keywords:

  • "where i could buy" : 2
  • "i'll buy" : 1
  • "everyone will buy" : 1

/r/all posted by /u/DOVARKX

not a train for the sake of not being a train

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 11057 Buy score: 15

Top keywords:

  • "take my money" : 15
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/-Xoz-

So tired of this ugly mindset! We can't be hoping for change and better times if we are the ones ...

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 11170 Buy score: 57

Top keywords:

  • "i want this" : 57
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/Aztery

Ring Made Of Resin Epoxy Mixed With Strontium Aluminate Powder.

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 10930 Buy score: 34

Top keywords:

  • "can i buy this" : 9
  • "where can i buy this" : 8
  • "where can i get one" : 5

/r/all posted by /u/IssaStorm

Please don't listen to this "advice". Releases of new gpus won't make old(er) ones any worse

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 11683 Buy score: 20

Top keywords:

  • "price?" : 11
  • "i will buy" : 5
  • "i would buy" : 2

/r/all posted by /u/nerdy_pug_king1

Overwatch development team release new information about seasonal content on the Overwatch 2, rev...

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 10602 Buy score: 64

Top keywords:

  • "i'd like to buy" : 58
  • "i want this" : 5
  • "everyone will buy" : 1

/r/all posted by /u/figinjosejospe

What’s the worst thing about being a man?

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 22496 Buy score: 24

Top keywords:

  • "i want this" : 13
  • "i want one" : 7
  • "i want it" : 3

/r/all posted by /u/BitterFuture

Massachusetts school can no longer be called Catholic after flying Black Lives Matter and pride f...

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 42303 Buy score: 11

Top keywords:

  • "i want one" : 11
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/zelda posted by /u/gokunoitis

[BoTW2][OC]My BOTW 2 Link Cosplay

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 8466 Buy score: 4

Top keywords:

  • "where can i get one" : 2
  • "where can i get" : 2
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/zelda posted by /u/SpinDashDude

[OC] Botw: The forgotten Master Sword - my own version.

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 5293 Buy score: 8

Top keywords:

  • "i want it" : 8
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/zelda posted by /u/Rhyara

[OC]Made a triforce set for the first time in a couple years, it was nice to do again :) Gift for...

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 2047 Buy score: 8

Top keywords:

  • "do you take commissions" : 2
  • "i want one" : 2
  • "do you sell these" : 2

/r/zelda posted by /u/MeanderingCuriosity

[OC][MM] I made a clock that functions and tells real time for my office (Full video in comments ...

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 1470 Buy score: 7

Top keywords:

  • "i want one" : 3
  • "take my money" : 2
  • "i want it" : 2

/r/zelda posted by /u/ROIDxRAGE

[OC] Just finished up for a customer, thought yall might like this as well.

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 1135 Buy score: 5

Top keywords:

  • "i want one" : 5
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/zelda posted by /u/sevenskullsdesigns

[MM] I make sparkly tumblers and I'm pretty happy with this one.

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 1131 Buy score: 4

Top keywords:

  • "take my money" : 2
  • "i want it" : 2
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/zelda posted by /u/wispcrafts

[ALL] Etched and Coloured Goddess Highball Glasses. First time making them. What y'all think?

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 851 Buy score: 25

Top keywords:

  • "i would buy" : 19
  • "i'll buy" : 2
  • "take my money" : 2

/r/zelda posted by /u/L00fahn

[OC] I've been making 3d printable designs for a bunch of Ocarina of Time monsters

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 569 Buy score: 15

Top keywords:

  • "do you sell" : 15
  • "where can i get this" : 0
  • "where could i get one" : 0

/r/zelda posted by /u/WombRaiderGaggins

[OC] I Madd Majoras Mask and decided to add purple LED lights to it.

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 266 Buy score: 14

Top keywords:

  • "do you sell these" : 6
  • "do you sell" : 6
  • "how much?" : 2

/r/zelda posted by /u/ceredin

[ALL] Yahaha! Made a Makar version of my croched koroks! They are chalk bags for climbing/bouldering

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 14 Buy score: 4

Top keywords:

  • "do you sell these" : 2
  • "do you sell" : 2
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/Sir_Loinbeef

Student tackles shooter as he reloads in school shooting

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 151140 Buy score: 7

Top keywords:

  • "how much?" : 3
  • "i'll buy" : 2
  • "i want one" : 1

/r/all posted by /u/Miles_the_new_kid

Target Audience

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 126775 Buy score: 7

Top keywords:

  • "i'd buy" : 5
  • "i'll buy" : 2
  • "where can i get this" : 0

/r/all posted by /u/marciucclaudiu

this is the modern jack sparrow

over 2 years ago

Upvote: 93044 Buy score: 9

Top keywords:

  • "i'd buy" : 6
  • "i need it" : 2
  • "i would buy" : 1